Filthy Rich Writer Review
Read it through. I promise it’s worth it. FRW can change your life.
There are tons of helpful tidbits linked throughout my story below, check them out!
Why Copywriting?
Let’s start off with why I chose to dive into a new career of Copywriting - long story short, I was jealous of a friend.
Over virtual coffee with a friend (thanks, COVID) she opened up about her new business endeavor she started mid-pandemic and a course she took that changed her life. She was the happiest I’d seen her in years. In the middle of a pandemic. In California. I was downright jealous. I had to know more!
I dove into researching copywriting, writing from home, freelance work, courses (free and paid), success stories and the list goes on. I decided Copywriting sounded like a great fit for me based on my research and silly articles or quizzes like “Does your personality make you a strong copywriter?” “Top Traits of Happy & Successful Copywriters” all of which told me “Yes! Go Be a Copywriter!” Now here I am.
Why Filthy Rich Writer / Comprehensive Copywriting Academy?
Input is one of my top strengths, I like to have as much information as possible. Once I decided to turn left at the fork in the road and head towards Copywriting, I started evaluating different courses to identify which next step would be the best for me. Should I take college credits? Should I snag a cheap Udemy course? Should I join a copywriting boot camp? There were so many choices. I kept coming back to Nicki and her work with Filthy Rich Writer and the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy. In all honesty, I was really hoping to find something that felt better that didn’t sound like such a gimmick. Ironically I stumbled upon Nicki’s post about why she named her company what she did and it connected with me. It truly eased my mind in the realm of gimmick concerns.
To be completely honest, I kept the company name from my husband when I was discussing my aspirations and budgeting on purpose because I knew his opinion would immediately change. When the course charge hit our bank account he goes “It’s called Filthy Rich Writer?! That sounds super legit… <insert eye roll>.” I can’t blame him though, he works in the fraud world and even I was very hesitant, but I was confident in my research and that I had vetted other options fully - this was the best fit for me.
I really enjoyed Nicki’s candor and demeanor in her blog posts and videos.
The success stories really got me - if these people can do it, why can’t I?
The idea of a community to help me through a career change like this, where it all rides on me and I’m responsible for everything, was very comforting. After joining the program, it’s a total no-brainer, the community feel is real and the people are real and their stories are real. People from all over the world, but not too many people that you get lost in the crowd.
CCA is lower in cost than many other courses, but also had a high enough price tag I figured it couldn’t be complete garbage or there would be negative reviews all over about how CCA is a waste of money - which there weren’t. I found quite the opposite to be true, really, raving testimonials left and right.
More importantly, I needed enough skin in the game to really push myself to do the work and complete the course. I hadn’t budgeted for this course. I was dipping into other money to pay for it. The decision wasn’t made lightly and I needed to see it through, at least enough to pay back what I put into it.
CCA is self-paced, which is a must for me as I currently have a full-time job, a toddler, a husband, two dogs, and another baby on the way. I needed flexibility.
CCA covers every aspect about building a Copywriting career - from the ground up. How to get the skills. How to start your business. How to source clients. How to close deals. EVERYTHING.
Still with me? If you’re interested in a taste of what Filthy Rich Writer and the Academy is like, check out this Free Video Training.
Oh the hesitations! Of course I was scared, nervous, I still am some days.
I hate sales. Yep, I said it. I’m a Copywriter, who writes to persuade or sell, but I hate sales. Through the CCA program I learned that I hate pushy, arrogant, unnatural sales. I actually really love natural sales that come out of passionate conversation, recommendations, and fun.
What if I’m a terrible copywriter? I later learned during the CCA course this is a little thing called resistance. You just have to jump in. Waiting for someday or later to change your life isn’t an option. The time is NOW. At a minimum, if you do the course and follow the program you can make your money back that you spent on the course. Maybe you decide then that it isn’t the right fit for you, and that’s ok! Or maybe it really does change everything and you’ve just started living your best life.
It’s all on me. OH goodness. It’s all on me! If I don’t do the work, nothing happens. The clients don’t just show up, the money doesn’t just keep coming in, the tasks don’t just get completed. Nobody is picking up my slack, nobody is there to help if I need a day off. Buuuuut… IT’S ALL ON ME! If I have a killer month, I get to reap the benefits! I get the satisfaction, the recognition, the praise, the experience. If I want to take a break, I can. Guilt-free. Nobody else to answer to. It’s a very liberating feeling.
Filthy Rich Writer and the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy has really made this career change possible. Not only possible, but fun. I feel I have an entire community of peers rooting for me to succeed no matter what stage of the process I am in. It’s incredibly humbling. I also have to admit I’m a little competitive, so seeing others post success stories or progress really helps kick me into gear to keep moving things forward.
Everyday I look forward to the next and to my future as a Copywriter.
June 2021 UPDATE:
It’s now been 6 months since I purchased the Filthy Rich Writer CCA course and in the last two weeks I've had some MAJOR wins!
I was head hunted on LinkedIn for a Marketing Manager position because of my vast experience in project management AND my very brief experience in Copywriting. It pays nearly $20k more than my current full-time job and yes, I accepted!
My very first paid client, which was only just one month ago, introduced me via email to a local Social Media Manager that needed some help with copywriting. One short week later and I now have a working relationship with her that pays me 48% of her monthly clientele fees - whaaaat!
Check some out and see if Filthy Rich Writer can change your life, too.
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